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Connection – Teaching – Safety: Virus Wisdom

Writer's picture: MelodyMelody

Updated: Mar 14, 2020

It’s a scary time right now, and in the midst of social distancing and self-isolation, staying connected is more important than ever!

I invite you to connect on a free Zoom webinar/conversation this Sunday night at 6 pm, Eastern. We'll breathe together, have a grounding meditation, share about what’s going on, strategies for staying sane, optimistic, and healthy, and ways to add a little pleasure into our lives! I'm also checking out some peer reviewed scientific research on positive emotions and immunity, and will share what I learn.

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My email box has been the source of much wisdom, information and insight, and I’d like to share some of it with you.

Emily, @sexwithemily (, shared exactly along the lines of what I’ve been thinking about connection, in her email “Love in the Time of Coronavirus.” Thank you, Emily! Here’s an excerpt:

Connection is actually one of the most healing things we can do for ourselves. And, in times like these, it’s best to continue with optimism rather than lose yourself to the panic – because we can’t control the world, but we can control how we see it. Take this time of extreme anxiety and fear and turn it towards self-love, self-care, and maybe adding in a little pleasure. Fun fact, orgasms are actually incredibly healthy for us and boost our immune system – and while it’s obviously not a cure, it won’t hurt to do something that feels good AND is good for you.”

Amelia Vogler, @ameliavogler, a specialist in energy medicine and one of my teachers (, shared this email this morning; I found it comforting and insightful so I’m sharing it with you.

I took some time to communicate with the virus and ask "why did you come?"

The answer that I received was that this virus is helping us to consider the rights of others.

This virus is calling us to our personal responsibilities. We are being asked not only to care for ourselves but to care for ourselves while considering all of those around us. There is a beautiful, tragic wisdom in this virus - the reminder that we think too often only of ourselves in relationship to the World through what we can see. Perhaps, in the past, we only reached out to those who seem to be in need, ignoring those who are suffering in silence or behind closed doors.

This is a virus that hides teaching us to tend to ourselves on behalf of those whom we do not know are suffering. We wash our hands not just for ourselves, but for those who may have a hidden underlying condition, those who may be older and a little weaker. This virus is teaching us to care again, because our actions are important.

There are also other teachings, too....

This virus has disrupted financial markets and is showing us the vulnerabilities of relying on money as the primary fixture in our Global interactions.

This virus, sitting between the heart and throat chakras, is demanding the silencing of voices in China to be dismantled. Evidenced by the silencing of the medical community and the protesting for freedom of speech.

The virus shows us how powerful it is to live without walls.

As disheartening and concerning the symptoms, it may be that this virus is sharing some wisdom with us and the sooner we can get the lessons, the sooner it will not need to be here to teach them to us.

Finally, Dr. Jeannette Ryan, @drjeanetteryan (, amazing healer and doctor of natural medicine, recently shared what she does to boost her immune system:

One of the most powerful things you can do to boost your immune system is to get more sleep, especially the kind that happens before midnight. This increases immune mediators such as Antigen Presenting Cells, IL-12, and Natural Killer Cells. Studies show that missing the critical hours between 10pm and 1am inhibits these important processes in antiviral immunity.

I optimized my immune system against viruses by getting enough sleep and taking Vitamins A, C, and D, zinc, garlic, artemisinin, American ginseng, and probiotics. I also frequently used Argentyn 23 (as a nasal spray and gargle) during my flights, when I had to walk through airports and after I had been near groups of people. Even better: consider a staycation instead of traveling.

I (we’re back to me, Melody!) use Virattack (3 droppers, along with a splash of apple cider vinegar, in about ¼ c. water) a couple times each day, and zinc lozenges, to boost my immune system. I use a neti pot with saline morning and night, and for extra measure, breathe steam with a drop of essential oil in it (eucalyptus or breathe).

I'd love to hear what you are doing to stay safe, sane and connected! Please share in the comments, if you'd like.

Wishing you a safe, sane and serene day. Hope to connect with you Sunday night!



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